


The environment is an essential part of our existence. it provides all life support systems with air, water and land as well as the materials for fulfilling all developmental aspirations of man.

The unwise use of the natural environment in Nigeria due to ignorance, poverty, overpopulation and greed, amongst others, has led to the degradation of the environment and if the environment is not healthy, then everything within the environment is at risk.

Environmental degradation has resulted in the deterioration of both the urban and rural environmental quality as well as natural disasters. These has resulted to water shortages and floods, transmission of communicable diseases, drought and desertification that threaten food security and nation’s ecological integrity, population displacements as well as loss of habitat, species and biodiversity.

It is obvious that innovative and entrepreneurial students are our best hope for solving some of the society’s most pressing environmental problems. Hence, the VACREEC 2022, with the theme: Cleantech Environmental Innovation Challenge.

The competition taps into the passion, creativity, smart, innovative capacities and motivation that the secondary school students have for solving environmental and climate change challenges.The competition creates a space for the student to use their creative and innovative capacities to utilize clean and renewable energy, develop energy efficient Applications (Apps), Infrastructures or equipment’s, as well as climate change solutions.

This competition will help the students test their knowledge of energy efficiency, clean and renewable energy, as well as see how their designs, engineering, and knowledge stack up against their peers. They can share ideas, showcase their knowledge, creativity and talent, as well as demonstrate excellence.The high point of these program is our intention to bring in the industries, government and private institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Academia to discuss and incorporate these engineering solutions to their organisations, businesses, the energy and environmental sector, as well as other sectors of the economy all geared towards a Sustainable National Development.

The overall aim of this project is that the contestants will become environmental change-makers in their own communities and the Nation at large. This Year, the students will design Applications (Apps.), infrastructure or equipments to solve environmental and climate change issues in their communities.

The Rationale of the project is to Promote the principles of Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) as well as develop an innovative, problem-solving mind in the younger generation that will assist in driving their creative and innovative capacities to design clean & renewable energy solutions, develop energy efficient applications (Apps), Infrastructures or equipments, as well as proffer climate change and Environmental solutions.

The Competition is a project-based engineering education program that will expose the teams to the wonders of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and is aimed at challenging the secondary school students to imagine, design, and proffer solutions to environmental issues using engineering design principles, concept and processes as well as the utilization of clean and energy efficient technologies.